The Manely Firm, P.C. | All Family Law

Are you worried about securing time with your children?

Are you worried about finances and how to best support your children?

Are there safety concerns involving custody that need to be considered?

Resolving Your Custody And Visitation Disagreements

At The Manely Firm, P.C., we serve the child custody and parenting-time needs of parents throughout Georgia. Our child custody attorneys have extensive experience providing the guidance our clients need when facing family law issues involving their children. We help clients throughout Marietta, Atlanta, Savannah and Lawrenceville, as well as internationally.

Providing Comprehensive Custody And Visitation Representation

We understand that custody issues can arise in a number of situations, including those involving divorce, separation or unmarried couples. When a divorce also involves the disputed division of significant assets, the situation can become even more complicated. Our dedicated child custody lawyers are available to help you regardless of your situation, and we even have experience handling complex custody matters related to same-sex couples.

Examples of custody and visitation matters we handle include:

Providing Guidance When Physical Illness, Mental Health Issues, or Drug Addiction Affects Custody

When a parent has a physical illness, mental health issue, or drug or substance addiction, it may be necessary to change a custody or visitation agreement in order to protect the children. At The Manely Firm, P.C., we have in-house counsel who focuses on helping families manage custody issues associated with addictions.

Finding An Approach For Your Family That Makes Sense In The Long Term

While your marriage may be ending, the relationships you have with your children will continue for a lifetime. Decisions about homework and softball practice soon turn into decisions about choosing the right college, making wedding plans and raising grandchildren.

For this reason, it is important for parents to approach child custody matters in a way that anticipates future relationships. At The Manely Firm, P.C., our approach is — to the extent that the other side will cooperate — to do as little damage as possible, preserving parental unity and the relationships you have with your children. We help you bridge the passage between co-parenting as a couple and co-parenting as individuals.

Want to resolve a child custody matter amicably? Let our skilled attorneys guide you through mediation and toward an amicable custody agreement.

Contact Our Child Custody Attorneys In The Atlanta and Savannah Metro

If you have questions about child custody laws and state guidelines, the best way to get answers is to speak with an experienced lawyer at our firm. To schedule an initial consultation at The Manely Firm, P.C., call us toll free at 866-687-8561 or contact us online.